2025年中国科学技术大学物理学院招收攻读博士学位研究生报名...一、培养目标中国科学技术大学物理学院现有[物理学](070200)、天文学(070400)、光学工程(080300)、电子科... |
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
12月17日“严济慈大讲坛”第十二讲《多大才算大? ——许多研究基本...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
11月15日“严济慈大讲坛”第九讲《Ultrafast Microscopy of Stru...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...
报告题目:高精度自旋操控以及在量子传感和模拟中的应用报 告 人:Jörg Wrachtrup教授(德国斯图加特大学)报告时间:2023年9月13日(周三)10:00报告地点:东区水上报告厅报告摘要: Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communicatio...