【就业宣讲交流会】20250326 香港科技大学物理系 [2025-03-17]




Transition out of quantum Hall phases and signature from density wave halo around anyons

Motivated by the experimental breakthrough in Moire systems and 2D materials, we discuss quantum Ginzburg-Landau theory for transition between fractional quantum Hall and density wave insulators.  The fractional filling plays key role and the vortices carry projective momenta resulting in the charge density wave. A direct consequence from the critical theory is that anyons nucleate charge density wave halo as one approaches the critical point. This could be measured through STM and is a direct way to probe charge fractionalization.

ref: Physical Review B 109 (8), 085143; Physical Review B 110 (8), 085120 (2024) (Editor’s suggestions)

报告: Xue-Yang Song obtained her PhD in theoretical condensed matter in 2021, working with Ashvin Vishwanath and was a Moore postdoctoral fellow at MIT. She studies strongly correlated matter that shows emergent quantum phenomena like fractionally charged excitations and high-temperature superconductivity. She is interested in both developing formal theories and making connections to realistic solid state or synthetic systems.

