
4月17日赵政国院士报告《实验粒子物理前沿》 [2015-04-15]

报告题目:Frontiers of Experimental Particle Physics

报告人:赵政国 院士 (中国科大粒子科学与技术中心主任)





In particle physics, elementary particles and forces among them give rise to the universe around us. Particle physics is to answer the questions “what is the ultimate building block of the universe, and what is the laws that govern the interaction among them”.  The answers to these questions about the micro-world are closely connected to the macro-world: the beginning and evolution of our universe. This presentation will introduce you the key science questions in the 20th century and how scientists have been exploring them, using the experiments at particle colliders, or with particles from cosmos, nuclear rectors and  radioactive isotopes.