
12月28日学术报告《The Large Hadron Collider and Physics with Early LHC data》 [2009-12-28]

  The Large Hadron Collider and Physics with Early LHC data

  After more than a decade great efforts worldwide the Large Hadron Collider at CERN started the first proton-proton beam collisions in November this year. At the time we observed events produced by the highest energy beams we all recognized that we are entering a golden era of particle physics. The experiments at the LHC will advance the high energy frontier of particle physics to the heart of the Fermi scale, reaching energies around one trillion electron volts for collisions among the basic constituents of matter. We do not know exactly what new physics would show up at the LHC,but it is highly expected that new physics will be discovered in next several years at the LHC, which will certainly change the face of particle physics and echo through neighboring sciences. I will briefly present the LHC history and recent machine and ATLAS detector performances, and give
prospects of the possible physics reach with early LHC data.

  周冰  教授

  周冰教授,曾任美国Michigan大学物理系副主任。著名的高能物理实验专家,美国科学院会士。1982年毕业于中国科学技术大学,1987年毕业于美国麻省理工学院(MIT),获博士学位。现为美国Michigan 大学参加欧洲核子中心(CERN)强子对撞机LHC ATLAS实验m子探测器负责人,对ATLAS探测器的建造做出了巨大的贡献。

  报告时间: 2009年12月28日 星期一 下午 16:00
  报告地点: 近代物理系 R210