
3月29日天体物理学术报告通知 [2010-03-26]



一、报告题目:The 870micron LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South

  报 告 人:Dr.Thomas Rodriguez Greve(Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK), Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)  

  报告摘要: 'Using the LABOCA camera on the 12m APEX telescope at Chajnantor we have carried out a 870micron survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS).
  In this talk I will present the main results from our survey.

   报告人Dr.Thomas Rodriguez Greve的简介见附件。

   附件: CV-Thomas-Greve.pdf

二、报告题目:Star Formation Laws and the Tightest Correlations in Galaxies

  报 告 人:高煜研究员(紫金山天文台)

  报告摘要:I'll talk about how to calibrate the star formation rate and to measure star-forming gas mass in order to derive the star formation laws from various correlations established in galaxies. Particularly, I'll mention two tightest correlations: far-infrared versus radio continuum  and far-infrared versus HCN and draw some comparison and astrophysical implications.
